Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Baby Van Gogh

It's never too early to expose your child to the world of art. In this video approach to learning colors, you'll follow art-loving puppet Vincent Van Goat and his apprentices as they blend images, music, poetry, and art to create six color-themed masterpieces. During Vincent's creative process, you and your child will explore the way colors make us feel, note the presence of colors in familiar objects, and discover the combinations of color in famous paintings.

Classic melodies from Bizet, Mussorgsky, Offenbach, Rossini, Strauss, Tschaikovsky, and others make the video an enchanting auditory and visual experience. Part of The Baby Einstein Learning Laboratory, this delightful enrichment tool is designed to stimulate your baby's brain development and expose him to the beauty of human artistic expression in ways he'll understand.

The video makes a great precursor to a drawing or painting activity.

1 comment:

  1. Heidi21:12

    Our 11 month old son really enjoys this! The music is very upbeat and fun! Also, the toys and activities the video highlights are great! Buy this and enjoy with your child!!
