Saturday, May 21, 2011

Indian Lore Crafts from Creativity for Kids

Ever want to explore Indian lore? With the Indian Lore Crafts kit, you can take part in Native American rituals by creating and using your own authentic crafts and musical instruments. The kit comes with wooden sticks, drum parts, beads and bells, felt, feathers, 6 colors of paint, glue, and several other pieces for making your crafts.

Since music is so important in Native American rituals, you may want to make your drum first. Assemble and decorate the drum and drumsticks, and you're ready to drum some rhythms. Use the beads, turquoise nuggets, and plastic bear claws to make yourself an authentic bear claw necklace - in some Native American tribes, wearing it means that you are as brave and strong as a bear! Design a bell rattle by using the bells and feathers, and shake it all around. Or string some bells onto the piece of elastic, tie it to your ankle, and you can rattle the bells and have your hands free to play the drum while you dance and sing. Create an armband with the felt and small feathers, then make a headband using the large feathers. If you want to learn about Native Americans, making music and art is a great way to start!

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